Terms of Service

Last updated May 31, 2024.

1. Definitions

1.1. “Huurrek” refers to the legal entity registered under the trade name “Huurrek B.V.” with Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 91587166 and located at Hoge Zand 39, Unit 1.01, 2512EL, The Hague, The Netherlands.

1.2. “Customer” refers to the person or legal entity who has entered into an agreement to purchase a service from Huurrek or has a registered account with Huurrek.

1.3. “Service” means any service provided by Huurrek, both through its website and directly to Customer.

1.4. Any reference to “day” in these Terms of Service, online materials, orders, and agreements with Huurrek means exactly 24 hours, a “month” means 30 days (720 hours), and a “year” means 12 months (360 days, 8.640 hours).

2. Relevance

2.1. These Terms of Service apply to all offers, orders, and agreements between Huurrek and Customer.

2.2. Any terms and general conditions provided by the Customer are emphatically rejected.

2.3. Any terms that deviate from these Terms of Service are only valid if expressly agreed to in writing by Huurrek.

3. Formation of agreement

3.1. Huurrek provides a range of Service offerings through its website. Customer can choose the Service and place an order for it. The exact details of the order will dictate the price and specifications of the provided Service, as well as duration and terms of agreement for the purchase of that Service.

3.2. The agreement for purchase of a Service starts after an order has been confirmed by Huurrek and the necessary amount of money has been transferred by the Customer to Huurrek.

3.3. Prior to Customer placing their first order for a Service, Huurrek may require the Customer to undergo know-your-customer (KYC) verification with the purpose of preventing any illegal activity and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations and sanctions.

3.4. Customer shall provide all truthful and correct information to Huurrek, which includes their personal and business information, as well as billing details. Should Customer’s information change, the Customer shall provide up-to-date information to Huurrek as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the change has occurred.

4. Duration of agreement and termination

4.1. Agreement for an undetermined period of time can be terminated by Customer at any time. Huurrek will stop providing the associated Service and stop charging the Customer for the Service at that time.

4.2. Agreement for a determined period of time shall remain in force until the end of the specified period, at which point it will expire with no option to renew it. To maintain continuity of Service, the Customer can enter into a different agreement for the same Service prior to expiration of the first agreement, in which case it will start immediately after the expiration of the first agreement.

4.3. Any Service provided by Huurrek is digital, available immediately, supplied continuously, and is presumed to be accessed and consumed by Customer immediately. Therefore, the Customer agrees that there is no cooling-off period for any agreement for undetermined period of time and any agreement for a determined period of time of 1 month or less. For any other agreement, the Customer can terminate the agreement with immediate effect by means of a written notice to Huurrek within the first 14 days of agreement, which will lead to Customer receiving full refund for the Service.

4.4. Any agreement can be terminated by mutual written agreement of the parties.

5. Delivery of service

5.1. Huurrek shall deliver the Service within 1 hour of start of agreement, otherwise the agreement can be terminated by Customer with immediate effect by means of a written notice.

5.2. Huurrek guarantees that the Service meets specifications stated in the offer.

5.3. Huurrek can temporarily suspend the Service without prior notice to perform required maintenance, which does not entitle the Customer to any form of compensation.

6. Price and invoicing

6.1. All prices on Huurrek’s website are in Euro and exclude the value-added tax (VAT) and any other tax on sales.

6.2. All price indications presented by or on behalf of Huurrek are without obligation, not valid until the conclusion of agreement, and are subject to change at any time.

6.3. Changes in price apply to all agreements for undetermined period of time after 30 days since a written notice about the price change to Customer.

6.4. Huurrek only provides Service to Customer in exchange for advance payments and has no obligation to do that otherwise.

6.5. Customer is required to make a full advance payment for the entire duration of agreement in case of agreement for a determined time, or an advance payment for 1 month plus recurring advance payments in case of agreement for undetermined time.

6.6. Each Service is charged in 1 hour increments at the start of every hour since conclusion of the agreement. In case the agreement is terminated sooner than the end of an hour, the Customer is not entitled to a refund for unused part of that hour.

6.7. Huurrek will invoice Customer advance payments for the projected use of the Service, and the Customer agrees to timely pay the requested amounts. It is responsibility of the Customer to make sure that Huurrek is at all times in possession of sufficient amount of advance payments to keep providing the Service.

6.8. In case Service charges exceed all prior advance payments, Huurrek will send a written notice to Customer about that and may suspend the Service until a sufficient advance payment is made. If a sufficient advance payment is not made within 7 days after such written notice, the Customer will be in default and Huurrek will be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect.

6.9. Customer can request a refund for any unused amount of advance payments in case there is no ongoing agreement for purchase of a Service between Huurrek and Customer. The refund will be processed within 14 days.

7. Acceptable use

7.1. Customer shall not use any Service for activities that violate laws of the Netherlands.

7.2. Customer shall not perform or facilitate cybercrime, denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, search and exploitation of vulnerabilities, reverse engineering of Huurrek’s and third party systems, as well as interference with infrastructure and operations of Huurrek and third parties.

7.3. It is further prohibited to use any Service for mining cryptocurrencies, distributing spam messages, and providing openly accessible virtual private network (VPN) services.

7.4. Huurrek monitors activities of Customer and can determine in its sole discretion that the Customer violates these Terms of Service, in which case Huurrek reserves the right to take any reasonable action deemed necessary to cease and prevent such activities, up to and including the immediate suspension of any Service and termination of any associated agreement.

8. Intellectual property rights

8.1. Any software, materials, and data produced by Huurrek are its intellectual property and are subject to its copyright.

8.2. Any software, materials, and data produced by Customer and used with any Service are Customer’s intellectual property.

9. Force majeure

9.1. Force majeure means, without limitation, acts and omissions of governments, agencies, and regulatory bodies, problems and errors of suppliers, malfunctions, online attacks, fires, explosions, earthquakes, landslides, storms, floods, water damage, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, epidemics, terrorist attacks, embargo, wars, acts of God, and any other causes not in control of the affected party.

9.2. Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform its obligations under the agreement, apart from obligation to make timely payments under the agreement, if that failure is due to force majeure.

9.3. If the force majeure situation affecting the agreement lasts for more than 30 days, either party is entitled to terminate the agreement by means of a written notice.

10. Changes to the Terms of Service

10.1. Huurrek retains the right to change these Terms of Service at any time.

10.2. Changes to these Terms of Service will apply to existing agreements after a period of 30 days since a written notice of changes to the Customer. During such 30-day period, the Customer can terminate the existing agreement by means of a written notice to Huurrek.

11. Applicable law and dispute resolution

11.1. Any and all agreements between Huurrek and Customer, as well as these Terms of Service, are exclusively subject to the law of the Netherlands.

11.2. Any and all disputes between Huurrek and Customer shall be settled by the competent court in the Netherlands.

11.3. If a court declares that any part of the agreements or these Terms of Service is invalid, all other provisions will remain in full force. In every such case, the parties will determine new provisions to replace the invalid part that approximate its goals and scope as much as possible.

12. Limitation of liability

12.1. Huurrek shall be liable to Customer only for direct damages arising from shortcomings in its performance of obligations under the agreement.

12.2. Huurrek shall not be liable for any other type of damages in connection with the agreement or its termination, including material loss, loss of profits, indirect, incidental, consequential, and non-material damages, even if informed about such damages being possible or foreseeable.

12.3. The liability of Huurrek shall not exceed the amount charged to Customer for the Service over at most 3 most recent months of the occurrence of damages connected with it, or €1.000, whichever amount is smaller.

12.4. Customer shall indemnify and defend Huurrek from all third-party claims related to damages, losses, and liabilities that are connected with any Service.

13. Written notices

13.1. Written notices to Huurrek can be delivered by post to the following address:

Huurrek B.V.
"Hoge Zand 39, Unit 1.01,
2512EL, Den Haag,
The Netherlands

13.2. Written notices to Huurrek can also be delivered by email to the address “support@huurrek.com” with email subject “Official notice”. In case there is a question about authenticity of an email with notice, Huurrek may require the Customer to verify it, including through a different contact method, and the Customer will fully assist such verification. Written notices that do not comply with requirements in this paragraph or fail verification may be rejected by Huurrek.

13.3. Written notices to Customer will be sent to their email address registered with Huurrek and will originate from email address “support@huurrek.com”. The Customer accepts responsibility for regularly checking their registered email for any such messages.